Camping on Mount Tam
The Mavens
The Pictures
The Highlights
- Hiking the Steep Ravine trail to the ocean.
- Successfully building a roaring fire in spite of extremely damp weather.
- Popping popcorn and making quesadillas over said fire.
- Waking up to a perfect, cloudless Bay Area morning with views for miles.
- Strategizing the ultimate splashless outdoor squat.
A Taste of the Takeaways
To Connect: Women Get It Done
To Watch: North of the Sun, Fabulous Fashionistas
To Visit: Steep Ravine cabins
To Read: The Signature of All Things
To Explore: Tenderloin Tour, Wild SF Tour
To Give Back: Glide volunteering
To Be Proactive:
To Eat: Raw vegan banana ice cream, oven-baked maple bacon