Coaching Circles
Coaching Circles
leader post-trip feedback form
First Name
Last Name
What trip did you lead?
Enter the start date of your trip.
Please do not submit this form until all items below are complete.
Have you:
Checked in gear?
Resupplied your First Aid kit in the storage unit?
If you used something from your kit, you must fill out an Incident Report.
Uploaded photos to Google Photos and shared with participants?
See 'Google Photos Instructions' in the Google Drive for details on how to do this.
Sent a recap email to participants?
See recap template here.
Please Bcc sasha@trailmavens.com and shelley@trailmavens.com.
Added a brief write-up about your co-leader, if you had one on this trip? (If you didn't have a co-lead, select 'No' from the dropdown.)
All co-leaders have profiles available
If something came up on the trip that you think requires some additional coaching/feedback from Bailey, please tag her in your comments. Include info that will be helpful to the next leader who works with them, especially since they may not have met! (Ex.: This was Jane's first backpacking trip, but she picked up stoves and tents super quickly. I bet she could teach those skills in the future. She has a great sense of humor which really livened up the conversation. Her hiking pace is a little slower than average.)
Uploaded pics of Guide Daily Notes to 'Trip Documentation' folder in Google Drive?
Uploaded photos of Incident Reports / Witness Statements / SOAP Notes / Early Sign-Out (as necessary) to Trip Documentation folder?
No incidents required documentation.
Uploaded pics of receipts for out-of-pocket expenses?
If you had a reimbursable expense, create a 'Receipts' folder inside your 'Trip Documentation' folder, and upload pics of receipts to this folder.
See receipt upload/reimbursement how-to here.
Updated the Venue Guide for the next person to lead this trip?
Rather than editing the Venue Guide directly, simply 'comment' and tag @shelley@trailmavens.com. In the Risk Management section, please tag @lipkinama@gmail.com also. Shelley and Maria will go through and incorporate comments into the text.
Select trip type for payment.
Training trip ($200)
Saturday - Sunday trip ($205)
Friday evening - Sunday trip ($235)
Three day trip ($265)
Crazy early departure three day trip (i.e Lost Coast, Yosemite) ($275)
Four day trip ($305)
Note trip mileage, beginning and ending at Extra Space Storage.
Mileage will be reimbursed at rate of .54/mile.
Note any additional out-of-pocket expenses (ex. firewood: $9, Golden Gate Bridge toll: $5, salsa at Whole Foods: $3.97)
Upload photos of receipts to 'Receipts' folder in Google Drive. If you don't have a receipt, create one by writing the date/time/cost/item on a slip of paper.
Qualitative Reflection
Overall, how did the trip go?
Please write a minimum of 3-4 sentences describing flow, fun, learning highlights, community, etc. Sasha has srs FOMO and really wants to know!
What red flags or minor incidents should we know about?
This section should include any event not further documented in Incident Reports.
Please provide specific gear/food feedback for our Logistics Maven.
Is there a trip participant who you think would make a good co-leader?
...who you think we should write a Maven Memoir about?
It's ideal if these folks represent a diverse audience, you think they're a good writer, and they'd have a positive and interesting perspective to share. Please be sure to include a 'lead' for us to use when reaching out to them, i.e. "Mary was amazing! She's a mother of twelve and business owner who had never been backpacking before, and this trip was her way of reconnecting to herself."
...who you think would write a good Yelp review?
This might be the same person you referenced above.
What question will inspire the richest reflection and improvement for you after this trip?
What's your answer to your question?
How else can Trail Mavens support YOU in becoming the biggest, boldest version of yourself?
Anything else we should know?
Who's the best? You are.