*POSTPONED* - Now Saturday the 21st!
Celebrate your Saturday with a breath of fresh air and a 6 mile hike through the Wunderlich County Park, taking in the beautiful sites and smells of meadows and redwoods as you hike alongside other outdoorswomen. Download a map of our hike here, and check out a mileage/elevation profile here.
We'll meet at the Wunderlich County Park Parking Lot at 9:00am Saturday morning! Our precise end time depends on our group hiking speed, but anticipate wrapping up / being back at our cars sometime around midday.
Never been on a Trail Mavens trip? You're more than welcome, and this is a great opportunity to meet some of the other ladies in our community.
RSVP below, and we'll shoot you an email Thursday before the hike with final details re: carpooling and what to bring.